Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Jumping for Joy!!!

Caroline, Ann Morgan, Miss Abby, Jazmine & Edie

The kids worked long and hard on their Christmas musical this past Saturday and Mrs. Carolyn was defnitely "JUMPING FOR JOY" because the kids are doing a fabulous job!! After they practiced, they ate pizza and went to play on the new equipment at Bonita Lakes. The weather was perfect and the kids had SO much fun!! Make your plans now to attend the children's Christmas Musical on Sunday, December 7 at 6:00 p.m. You don't want to miss it!

Take a look at some of these little monkeys!!

Scottland, Caroline, Julie, Edie, Jazmine & Sydney #1


Kathleen & Jazmine

Miss Abby & the girls

Sidney #2


John Philip


Helen-Peake, Sarah & Caroline
