Monday, April 27, 2009

Mae Carol has way too much fun!

I'm only posting this picture with Mae Carol's permission... but the whole story and picture are way too funny not to publish on the blog.

At the last GIFT night, Mae Carol and Ms. Julie stopped by to see all the kiddos. The Long kiddos were in the rock garden in Ms. Wanda's room and Raif asked Mae Carol to come out and play. When I turned around, she was already halfway through the window and Julie was begging me to get my camera out. She made it through the window and was playing with Raif whenever she decided to find a seat. She walked over to a Rubbermaid storage bucket that was on its side and was empty and sat down. However, when she sat, the side caved in and Mae fell over.

Edie (all the way in the right side of the picture) is laughing just as hard as Mae!

We were all laughing so hard... even Mae Carol. I told her that I HAD to share this picture on the blog and she said, "well, I just love these children and they are just so sweet to me, so you can do it, I guess!"


The Hill Hangout said...

Mae Carol rocks! I hope she wasn't hurt!

TboneEnEdieBellRaif said...

Raif says Mrs. Mae Carol is his best friend at church. He loves her so much.

Matt Snowden said...

Way to go Mae Carol!