Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Hayride Pictures

WOW!!! We had a GREAT Saturday at John & Gaile Culpepper's for the Preschool & Children's Ministry hayride. This has to be one of my very favorite events to plan because the children and parents have so much fun! There were so many of you that helped by making candy bags, transporting games, organizing prizes, driving for the hayride, cooking chili, bringing candy & cokes, and working games. I can't possibly thank each of you individually, so...THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! It wouldn't have been a success without your help!

Mr. John & Mrs. Gaile, you truly are a blessing to me and FBC. It was so sweet of you to open your home to me for the week to set up and offer to help in so many ways. You are awesome!
Enjoy the pictures!!

Jenna K.

Baby Gina

McLain H. & Caroline M.

Katie Grace C.

Sam G.

Mackenlee, Molly Katherine & Ann Morgan

Mallory L.

Riley E.

Wes S.

Myles C.

Miss Abby & Miss Addie

Anna Kate & Mallory

Dr. Leake & Andrew

The Foreman's

Colby & Zachary

Walt, McLain & Regan

Paxton A. & Lee G.

Rachel, Miss Abby, Ann Morgan, Hannah & Jenna

Edie & Isabell as hot air balloons

Allison, Jackson & Ella Kate as Little Bo Beep and the lost sheep


Matt Snowden said...

My son would be eating a hot dog!