Thursday, October 23, 2008

Trying out the Games for the Hayride...

I ordered these really cool Jack-o-lantern bouncy balls for a relay at the Hayride on Saturday. They were laying in my office and John Calhoun and I decided that they should be tested out before the kids used them!! Go ahead, have a big laugh!!! We sure did!

The relay begins... Miss Abby vs. John

It was just too hard for John to keep up...

We decided to race uphill next...

As you can see, we were definitely drawing a crowd!!!


Please feel free to leave comments on the page...or email them back to me :)


Julie Heriard Culpepper said...

You got some really good bounce going on there Abby! Y'all were so funny!!!

TboneEnEdieBellRaif said...

i hate i missed this race. trey said he definitely wants to challenge you to this at the hayride!! don't let him beat you like he did in the potato sacks!!!

Abby said...

TBONE definitely won't beat me at this!! However, I am feeling the after effects of being so out of shape :) I have two days to get in shape so I can beat him!

G said...

I think we need to video the whole hayride. It is going to be a hoot! We are getting ready now and look forward to having everyone out Saturday. Please feel free to bring frineds and we will have a wonderful time! G

KSH said...

that is too funny yall are crazy looks like yall work hard there at FBC ha:) hey remember i tagged you